Leading Re-entry at Credit Unions

Dealing with rapid change isn’t going to be over. Yes, the pandemic will end but the pace of change, and our ability to lead it, will only continue.  This program can include working with your senior leadership team or yourself as a leader or both.  There are a variety of formats that have been successful that we can outline but ultimately we listen first and go from there.

This is a tailored program with the aim to focus on what re-entry looks like for you and your credit union.   A master coach will work with you on a timeline that suits you, at a frequency that suits you, and at a cost that works for you.  The aim of this series of sessions is to bring customized experienced coaching to your leadership in a palatable way.

Explore These Questions and More

  • How do I feel about reentry, whether returning to the office, the road, the field or traveling again?
  • What concerns do I have personally for myself, my family, and my team?
  • In the last several months, what has worked really well in my work? What has been challenging?
  • What have I learned about myself through this pandemic? About others? About truly effective leadership?
  • If I could create the ideal workplace experience for myself and my team, what would that look and feel like?
  • Do I know what matters most to each of my team members right now?

Join our growing number of credit unions garnering support through their re-entry